We are Servants Before Riders
The servant riders of Utah are a Christian non-profit charity organization and have recently become a national charity organization. The Servant Riders make contributions to help with medical bills, funerals, homeless populations, and other social issues throughout the country.
While the Servant Riders all work together for organized charity events and community service, many of them individually donate their time as well. Nancy Maurer, one of the Utah Servant Riders recently led the Thanksgiving Banquet in Salt Lake City to assure that the homeless and hungry populations got their Thanksgiving dinner.
As a result of being a non-profit organization there is always a need for donations. With these donations, the Riders have better ability to provide service work to communities, peer support, and assistance to families through resources.
In an interview with Darroll Evans, he stated that without donations the organization could not do the work they need. “We hope one day we can be ahead of our services with financing… right now we are fundraising as we do services for our community, we are never ahead.”
In addition to the broad assistance they provide communities, the Servant Riders also organize riding events to help families and friends who have lost loved ones. These rides provide families a healthy way to grieve their lost ones and give families resources for peer counseling.
During an interview with Darroll Evans, President of the Servant riders and Matthew Deollos, Vice president, they stated, “We’re servants before we’re riders.” Darroll also stated that one of their main priorities is helping downed riders, which are any motorcyclists, “It doesn’t matter where they come from, or what walk of life they are from.” He continued that in the process of helping downed riders, they provide them with things they need that they never knew they needed. Darroll explained that they hold fundraisers to help pay for the medical bills these people will receive. The Riders also go to the homes of downed riders to assure that the house and lawn are attended to.
The Servant Riders are a very community-based service group who dedicate much of their time to helping others, However, they can’t do all the work they would like to without funding. Donations can be made through a PayPal account that can be found at ServantRiders.org. You can also contact the Servant Riders for help on their Facebook page or contact Rose Maurer at (801) 433-8127 and Nancy Maurer at (801) 414-1987.