Battle of the Cans
February 5, 2020
Kearns High School and Cyprus High School have begun a food drive. Due to the close proximity as well as the infamous rivalry between the two schools, the PTA staff decided to compete to see which school can get the most canned goods calling it the “Battle of the Cans” All cans donated went towards each school food pantry, guaranteeing that all families and students have a substantial
source of food. Each can donate discounts a dollar from a basketball game between the schools.
The first game took place here at Kearns High School on Friday, January 24 between both the girls and boys basketball team. The total score was 216-86, for this basketball game a total of 167 cans were collected for the Kearns high food pantry, and 58 cans for Cyprus.
The Next game for Battle of the Cans will be January 7, 2020. It will be played at Cyprus High and will also be played between both the girls and boys basketball teams. If you would like to support the teams and families within the school, be sure to bring any canned foods you have available, you will be able to donate the cans at the game. The schools hope to have many cans donated to assure that all kids have food available.