Utah pollution possibly going down?
May 26, 2020
With the quarantine because of Covid-19 there have been many positive outcomes along with the negative. Typically in China around February and January air pollution is lower due to the celebration of the Lunar New Year, but these last few months the PM pollution has decreased significantly, in both Italy and China.
In Utah, based on information provided by the Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake city has the one of the worst rated air qualities in the nation and causes possible health concerns for those living there. Utah on average has 138 good air quality days a year. And 225 days of moderate air quality. Because of the Coronavirus quarantine the level of emission from cars and trucks could have possibly played a part in the betterment of Utah air, but because typically in March Utah air is the best, there are no tests or measurements to tell the difference. But with the decline in travel due to the quarantine the possibility of pollution being better, even later after the virus has taken its toll, is promising. The Desert News, specifying in the long term effects of quarantine lessening the travel decreasing the pollution states, “The real opportunity will come as we choose whether to invest in clean energy and green projects, or fossil fuels as we rebuild, Wildish said. Such changes will help not just with air quality but with climate change as well, he added.” For more information check out The Salt Lake Tribune, H,ttps://www.sltrib.com/news/environment/2020/03/26/coronavirus-measures/. And check out the Desert News, https://www.deseret.com/indepth/2020/3/30/21191391/covid-19-coronavirus-utah-pollution-clean-air-pandemic-china-shut-down-working-from-home