Have you ever wondered what a teacher’s life is like and how they put up with the hours and effort they put into teaching? How do they deal with student drama?
At Kearns High School two teachers in particular Derek Stanley and Emily Williams were interviewed on their perspectives of their “teacher life.” Mr Stanley was asked what he thinks about student drama. He responded that he doesn’t think much of it and that he stays out of it. He doesn’t tend to listen because he’s a teacher but if he hears something that is inappropriate he will interfere into it to make it stop. He was asked if he was satisfied with his salary. He responded that “It’s gotten better in the last couple of years but for the amount and time and the cost of living, no.” He still has student loans but he said it’s manageable and its something he budgets for every month. He works about 40 hours contract time and paid hours, he’s also meeting with students outside of school or during school hours for help with assignments or grades. He’s also planning for class to get things set up for the day and grading which can take a while, but he said he probably works 60 hours in total.
Mrs Williams was asked what is life like at home after school. She replied that it’s busy because when she gets home she has family to take care of and has home responsibilities. Her years of teaching have been fun. She loves teaching and getting to know her students. She hopes to teach them stuff they will remember. She has engaged in a fight a couple of times to stop it but she will also try and keep herself safe as well. She said she doesn’t have enough time to be grading, she does spend a lot of time doing that even at home and at night while she has other responsibilities out of school.