There are many clubs at our school, and this includes one of our underrated dance clubs here at Kearns High School: KO dance! The president of KO Dance, Yuri Olmos got the group together by asking around who liked K-pop or had the same interest as her. Once she had a group, she asked them to ask people at Kearns if they would like to join their group. Their choreographer is their president. She teaches the dances and on planning for future performances and for school assembly performances. Now you may ask how does planning school performances go, without them being a school club? The Co-president, Mareli Perez, says “It’s a big struggle.” 95% of the time they get a chance to perform or the school will sometimes email them if they’d like to perform but it’s usually an occurrence.
Furthermore, KO Dance isn’t just a school club; you can also find them online through places like “Instagram”. KO Dance members are very talented, and they show it not only to the school, but to those who find their account. You may ask, who runs the account? Well, no one really does. The KO Dance social media account is run by all the members, they share the account equally. Though they have a small following, they’ve grown quite a bit since they started. When asked where she saw the account going, Yuri said “I see us inspiring more students to dance and perform. Hopefully, we can spread our choreography across the internet.” Her plans as the president of the club are to change the name, grow a bigger audience, and to become more of a professional group.
Now we all wonder if KO Dance is planning to continue after graduation. Mareli and Fehoko say “Probably not because it’s just a school thing and we only do it for people with interest.” Everyone in KO Dance loves to dance and show off their amazing choreography and ideas and are willing to if more people would like to join in to dance and have fun! Fehoko wanted to tell us about an upcoming performance that’s going to be happening at our culture assembly. Make sure you go and support them by going or by following their Instagram: @k0dance!