You’ve just returned to school after a long weekend and you realize you have an essay due! There is no need to worry because your teacher just introduced you to School Artificial Intelligence (School AI) and showed everyone how to properly and ethically use it. With the extra work time in class, you take what you’ve already written and plug it into School AI to show you how to improve your essay. After some assistance, you now have a complete essay that you adjusted to be your own to turn in on time and Artificial Intelligence in classrooms
get a grade.
While helpful some concerns have been brought up about AI including, students using Artificial Intelligence to cheat on important assignments or have AI completely do the assignments for you. In a survey that contained multiple questions about Artificial Intelligence which was sent out to multiple students at Kearns High School in various age groups, the majority of the responses were positive.
Teachers have found Artificial Intelligence extremely useful in the classroom setting. They use AI to make longer, more tedious tasks shorter and easier to complete. Teachers also use Artificial Intelligence to collect data from students in a quicker manner. A math teacher from Kearns High School Benjamin Hall explained “I use AI in my classroom in a lot of different ways. I have used AI as a tutor in the past so my students will go on and ask the AI some questions and get feedback from their responses.” Teachers also announce that they use Artificial Intelligence to help them create lesson plans along with questions and use what the AI came up with as a guideline for the lesson they will teach.
Students use Artificial Intelligence to help with difficult assignments, make their writing better, help them study, and get some extra help. Students using AI have found that it is a really good tool to use, as it can help students find better ways to understand the material being taught. It can also help them find better study techniques that work for them. Students who answered the survey said, “Sometimes I don’t understand a subject and the AI breaks it down to help me understand it better.” Multiple surveyed students agreed that Artificial Intelligence is a beneficial aid to help out with breaking down hard topics and making texts more understandable and simple. While a handful of students believe AI should not be allowed in schools, the majority find Artificial Intelligence to be very helpful and believe it should be allowed in schools.
Artificial Intelligence can be an amazing tool for not only teachers and students but for you as well. AI can help you tackle hard tasks that you come across everyday. However, ethics and other concerns should be addressed with students before using it.