Interested in health science careers or welcoming clubs, come check out Hosa! Wanting a good, secure, safe welcoming club that helps the community and does other activities with their students? Then Hosa is for you. One of our Cougar Claw students interviewed Misty Morrow about The Hosa
Q: what is Hosa or what does it stand for?
A:” Hosa used to stand for health occupation student of America but now because the acronym is so famous they just kept Hosa but it’s really Hosa, future, health care professionals but it’s for anybody who knows they want to go into a medical career or maybe they’re thinking about it. It gives them a group of people who all have a common interest.
Q: How long have you been doing Hosa?
A:” This is my 21 first year, Hosa has been here before I got here but then I took over when I started here in 2004.”
Q: What types of events do you do?
A:”We do community blood drives, service projects with other groups like LIA and trunk r treat.
Q: Why do you think Hosa is Important?
A: “Hosa gives kids a place to go and meet people that have similar interests and it’s a very diverse group. So, we have people from all different ethnic groups and socio economic backgrounds. There is a registration fee but, I’m not going to keep someone from being able to participate in Hosa because of their registration so we’ll figure it out.”
Q: Why do you do Hosa?
A:” I started doing Hosa because , that was part of my hiring, but I just like being with the students and I like to see them grow and to excel in leadership opportunities and help each other out.”
Q: How long has the club run for?
A:” Over 21 years.
Q: Why do you recommend Hosa?
A:” They have common wants, desires and interests, they are a very welcoming group, there’s not a single person that will say “oh you can’t join. Even if they never took one of my classes or Mrs. Williams classes, Or they never took health science. Getting them into the group and making friends and maybe getting them interested also helps to grow our health science programs.”
The Hosa club is in Mrs. Morrows room where recently on Wednesday (December 18) they did an event where they made blankets to donate and had snacks. They are such a wonderful club and meet up in the club every Wednesday in Mrs. Morrow’s class.