You Are the Art

You Are the Art

Hannah Berry, Community writer

There’s new trend that seems to be making a wave online. This movement is called The Art “Hoe Collective, it supports PoC (People of Color), LGBT+, sex workers, and indigent African American artists appreciate themselves. You are probably very concerned to why the term “Hoe” is used. A word that has been placed on PoC for generations at a time has a new definition that they created. “We’re taking a word that has been used to reduce, ridicule and oppress us and saying, ‘It’s ours now, we determine how you see us and how you consume us.’” They want to let everyone know that no matter the skin color on your body, the gender you prefer, or the career that provides for your life, you should never be ashamed of who you are. “Honestly my goals start and end with representation and self love/acceptance. To see young PoC taking control over how they’re perceived and consumed is amazing and revolutionary!” Jam stated in the Huffington Post. As both Jam and Mars have said countless of times is that they want to see the movement help people love themselves more. Ciku Waibochi, 18 years old, is living proof of that. When Ciku was asked what were some of the effects it had had on her personally, she replied with “I guess I can say I’ve become more confident in taking and posting pictures because now there’s this platform for PoC to be appreciated. I then asked her if she wasn’t confident about who she was before the movement started. Which she replied with “I’ve always been extremely proud of my heritage, so no. But it’s still comforting to know that such a place exists.”. Young men and women now have a place to embrace their culture and way of life.

you are the art