Preparing for your future

Madison Mercado

You’re sitting in your fourth period and a thought crosses your mind, “what kind of help do I need for college?”. There are two weeks during November that are for seniors to apply for college, this is called College Application week(s). College Application Week is a very important week for Seniors and our school. The school counselors here at Kearns High want students to know that they will be here the entire time to help students out as best they can. They understand how stressful this time can be for students. This week is the number one way to raise social economic standing. During College Application Week, there will be many different activities for students to do.FAFSA is a federal form that helps provide federal student aid, and it is a free application. This application helps students get financial aid from the government to help pay for college. Kearns High counselors would like all students to fill this form out, so they can get the help and proper education they need and deserve. During an interview with a student counselor, Ms. Reeves, stated, “This application is very important we are having a night after school to help students finish everything for their applications, on November 15, 2017. Parents are welcome.”
There are many scholarships available for students. There are many requirements that are needed for scholarships. One necessity that colleges look at is your test scores and grades. They also look at what you mainly studied and what you are passionate about. There are many more things that are needed. To also find out more about this subject you can go to Lacie in the Career center.

To find out more go to your counselor. Or follow the Counseling on twitter @Kearns Counslor.