High School Graduation and Requirements


Holly Nickle

Graduation, the day everybody in high school looks forward to. While graduation is fun and important, it can be stressful. The most stressful part is making sure you have enough credits to graduate. But, while looking at needed credits, one might wonder why we need so many fine art elective credits and why we need so few health credits.
In order to graduate, the Utah Board of Education requires that you have the following:
3 credits each for math, science, social studies, and directed coursework, 1.5 credits for art, 2 credits for physical education, 0.5 credits for health, and 6 credits for electives. All together, that adds up to the required minimum of 24 credits. If looked at closely, physical education and health education combined comes to 2.5 credits.
This is not to shine a negative light on electives. In fact, elective classes have major benefits, which include the following:
1. Many kids come to school and stay in school because of the art and elective programs.
2. Students learn positive habits, behaviors, attitudes through fine arts and electives
3. Fine art electives enhance creativity.
4. Elective classes help students develop critical intellectual skills.
When asked, Ms. Reynolds (an art teacher here at Kearns High) stated, “Fine art electives should be required because they help with critical thinking, problem solving, and higher level thinking skills.”
Next, are the benefits of Health Education.
1. Health education improves students knowledge and skill for the subject.
2. It helps encourage positive attitudes for health education.
3. Health education informs students of not only physical health, but social, mental, and emotional health.
4. Overall, health education motivates students to improve and maintain all aspects of their health, disease prevention, and reduction of risky behavior.
As one can see, both fine art and health education are extremely important, can help students to better themselves, and help them handle situations differently.
Ultimately, fine art electives aren’t necessarily more required and more important than health education. They are both equally important and teach students valuable information they will use in life.