Fashion at Kearns High

Rina Maestas, Student Life Staff Writer

Kearns- Fashion is “a popular trend, especially in style of dress ornament of matters of behavior.” Teens fashion seems like it’s always changing but lately some old trends from the 80’s is coming back, for example “mom jeans” or wearing big shirts and baggy pants. No one really knows why teens decide dress the way they do. So, I asked one of our cougars to see what they think about the fashion trends in the school. Gloria Maestas was the one student that I interviewed, talked about where her style came from. She said that her style comes from her seeing how her older family members used to dress and had that “old school” look and that she feels like it shows a part of her. I also asked Gloria where she buy her clothes from and she said that she shops at Rue 21. That’s where a lot of teens get their clothes. She also said that at Kearns High School she noticed a lot of students that use their hair or clothes to express themselves. She thinks that it’s cool that they can express themselves, but still be appropriate.