Have you ever wondered if parents have a similar relationship with their child with other parents? Parents’ relationships with their children are very important because it helps build trust, respect, have stronger mental health, affect their social life in a positive way, good communication and more. A bad relationship with parents and their children can affect their mental health, schoolwork, communication skills, trust, life choices, etc. On September 7th, 2023, a survey was conducted to ask parents questions about their relationship with their child. The questions that were asked were “Do you believe if the discipline you give is effective? On a scale of 1-10 how involved are you with your child’s education? How much time do you spend with your child? Do you communicate about your child’s mental health and academic skills frequently? How often do electronics cause arguments? Do you give your child chores? Do you believe school causes too much stress on your child?”
Most parents will always want the best for their child, in that case parents have similar parenting styles. Many parents agreed with the same questions. For example, all parents agreed that the discipline they give is effective and that they do give their child chores. There are some answer differences between the questions on how involved they are with their child’s education, how much time they spend with their child, how often electronics start arguments, and if school causes too much stress. Some patterns that were noticed is that the less time that parents spend with their children causes them to be on their phone more which causes school to be stressful. This is a reason why parents should make sure that they do make time for their child.
Although there are differences between parenting choices, it doesn’t make them a bad parent. Each parent is responsible for the expectations and rules of their child. For instance, some parents like to be stricter with their child to make sure their rules and expectations are followed, and they can have a good relationship with one another. Other parents choose to be more easygoing to create a more trusting relationship. Whether what parenting choices parents use, shouldn’t be labeled as “bad parenting.” If parents have a good relationship with their child is what matters!