Sleep is important for not just teens but for everybody no matter what age. A lot of people don’t take sleeping and resting as seriously as it should be taken. But teens need more sleep because they are in a time of fast physical, emotional and intellectual growth.
Additionally, If it is really hard to get out of bed for school in the mornings or really hard to get through all of your classes then you are most likely not getting enough sleep at night. About 70% of teenagers are not getting as much sleep as they should. Medical research says that teens who are usually getting to sleepy are most likely having a hard time in school. But also 9-10 hours of sleep might not seem realistic to some teens because of part time jobs, sports, practice, homework, and chores at home.
Although, you can fix your sleep schedule so you can do better mentally, physically, and academically. A few solutions are maybe to try and only use your bed for sleeping, make a calm routine for bed, go to bed at the same time every day, and also exercise. Not getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on you during the day. The effects of being really tired is harder to concentrate, depleted motivation and it can also affect your memory.
However, there are some pros of getting enough sleep too. For example, you can get less sick often, improved mood, less stress, a clearer mind, and overall socialize better too. Sleep is not just essential for the brain though it’s essential for your growth and development too. It affects your stress hormones, immune system, our blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.
In conclusion, teens need sleep and should be trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. So that they can do good in school and also to have a better mood too. That’s why sleep is so much more important than some people might think.
Sleep is important for not just teens but for everybody no matter what age. A lot of people don’t take sleeping and resting as seriously as it should be taken. But teens need more sleep because they are in a time of fast physical, emotional and intellectual growth.
Additionally, If it is really hard to get out of bed for school in the mornings or really hard to get through all of your classes then you are most likely not getting enough sleep at night. About 70% of teenagers are not getting as much sleep as they should. Medical research says that teens who are usually getting to sleepy are most likely having a hard time in school. But also 9-10 hours of sleep might not seem realistic to some teens because of part time jobs, sports, practice, homework, and chores at home.
Although, you can fix your sleep schedule so you can do better mentally, physically, and academically. A few solutions are maybe to try and only use your bed for sleeping, make a calm routine for bed, go to bed at the same time every day, and also exercise. Not getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on you during the day. The effects of being really tired is harder to concentrate, depleted motivation and it can also affect your memory.
However, there are some pros of getting enough sleep too. For example, you can get less sick often, improved mood, less stress, a clearer mind, and overall socialize better too. Sleep is not just essential for the brain though it’s essential for your growth and development too. It affects your stress hormones, immune system, our blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.
In conclusion, teens need sleep and should be trying to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. So that they can do good in school and also to have a better mood too. That’s why sleep is so much more important than some people might think.