Kearns high school is well known for its students’ school spirit. From going all out at football games to the huge spirit week assembly each year. Though some of these students go far beyond and dominate these events or themes. So one of the students was interviewed, this interviewee is one of Kearns High SBO’s known as Xavier Peters . When asked if school spirit brings people together Xavier answered with, ”Yes, I believe that it does, it helps people connect and enjoy school a lot more.” So what makes school spirit important, many may ask well,” School spirit is the heartbeat of the school, it can make or break a school year,”(The Connecticut Association of Schools).
As the interview went on Xavier expressed his reason for school spirit his exact words were,” Having school spirit makes school more fun and enjoyable.” School spirit lights up the hallways and sports games as the year goes on. Especially when Spirit Week comes around, the main halls of the schools are always decorated from head to toe with themes that represent each grade. School spirit is the highlight of fun memories of a long year of school.