Who Is Rick Grimes

Who Is Rick Grimes

Anthony Rutledge, Writer

The walking dead is a very well known T.V. show that follows a group of survivors living in a zombie-infested world; it currently has 6 seasons and has a comic book series as well. The group of survivors has a leader that the look to for answers, and that is Rick Grimes. Rick Grimes is responsible for taking care of everyone in his group, and will do anything to keep them safe; and because of that he has slowly formed a very brutal-like nature. Rick is a man in his mid thirties and had a wife (died giving birth to his daughter) and two children, his son Carl and his newborn daughter Judith. Rick has had to do a lot of horrible things, thus creating his “kill or be killed” nature, and because of this a lot of the people he and his group stumbles across looks at Rick like he is a monster. His group however doesn’t feel the same way, they too have had to go through many trials, and have looked up to rick as the man to make the tough decisions. When another man says that he knows what it’s like in this world and that rick is just crazy, Michonne (a member of the group) defends rick by saying “Have you ever done things that made you afraid of yourself? Have you ever been covered in so much blood that you don’t know if it’s yours, your friends, or the walkers? Then you don’t know.” Before the zombie outbreak Rick was a Sheriff Deputy of a small town in Georgia. One day on the job when he was trying to stop a criminal he was shot, and was forced to go to the hospital; and was later put into a coma. When he awoke from his coma the outbreak had already begun, after a bit he is reunited with his family and joins the group that he now leads. Rick to many people is looked at someone who is slowly losing his sanity, and to others he is looked up to, both in the show and in the real world.