Hope Squad in Kearns

Angelina Barkus, Staff writer

“ I think hope squad started because their was a huge need for mental issues, and they help feel up that hole we have and create positivism “ said Monica Carlson.

Hope squad is suicide prevention and trains students to recognize warning signs in depressed or suicidal peers, they empower teens in need to report signs to an adult.

But what is hope squad? Well it’s “ the eyes and ears of your school. They are composed of students who are trained to watch for at-risk-students-provide friendship “. So how is hope squad helping? “ They are raising awareness and giving students another way to get help “ said by Koki Cline.

Hope squad is a source of trust and comfort “ In 9 years, 34 Hope Squads have been formed in the Provo district, and over 250 students have been referred to help”  (hope4utah.com/hope-squad/).

Hope squad was created for schools, to show students they have someone to run to when they need help, “ 1 in 3 people will struggle with mental issues in their lifetime “ ( intermountain LDS hospital ).

“ we’re here at Kearns to help the students “ said Chandler Pakett, but what is his opinion on how the Hope squad help students? “ I think we became visible for students to know we’re are here, hope squad only wants to help , we don’t want you to feel alone so if you or a friend is having an issue we’re here “.

But if you are not quite ready to talk to someone in person there’s a crisis  center you can call with no face to face contact and you can talk about anything you want at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).