Minority over Majority


Minority: the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number. In America, we often throw around the word minority without knowing the definite meaning. This could cause problems because minorities make up a large percentage of this country.

In 1960, the American population consisted of 85% Caucasian, 10% African American, 4% Hispanic, 1% Asian and 0% other. But, by 2060 America is expected to have minority over majority country. With statistics at 43% Caucasian, 13% African American, 31% Hispanic, 8% Asian and 6% other.

Unfortunately, minorities are often viewed as something less because they are the smaller number. According to a government poll, 67% of  African American women are educated with an Associate’s degree. And 65% are educated with a Bachelor’s degree. Following that group, we have American Indian women. With 66% educated with an Associates degree and 60% educated with a Bachelor’s degree.

According to Emergingus.com, Hispanics are the largest racial minority in the US right now. Asians are the fastest growing minority. Almost 1 in 6 newlyweds are interracial. The country is changing.

The Cougar Claw asked two students, who wish to stay anonymous, if they always knew if America was susceptible to such change throughout the years. They responded simply with “No.” One of the students said that it’s not shocking because the rest of the world is mainly “minorities”. We live in a country that is the complete opposite of most of the world.”